Diabetes Drug Tied To Weight Loss In Obese Kids

Teens whose parents harped about weight gain

You’ll only wind up frustrated and will be more likely to fall off the wagon. Instead: Order smarter at restaurants. “Before dining out, have 10 almonds or an apple so you don’t arrive ravenous, and then start with a small salad,” suggests Amidor. In a 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Diet Association, Penn State researchers found that women who started a lunch with a salad consumed up to 12 percent fewer calories than those who skipped the first course.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/17/weight-loss-resolutions-shouldnt-make_n_4426578.html

Weight Loss Surgery a Boost to Better Health?

Lorie  Johnson

Dr. William Muinos, associate director of pediatric gastroenterology at Miami Children’s Hospital, said he prescribes metformin only for the most obese children who are at risk for type 2 diabetes. “In that subset of children, metformin can be very helpful in improving insulin resistance caused by increased body fat,” said Muinos, who also runs the hospital’s obesity clinic. Metformin causes modest weight loss by lowering the amount of insulin the body produces and improving insulin resistance, Muinos said.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://diabetes.webmd.com/news/20131216/diabetes-drug-metformin-tied-to-slight-weight-loss-in-obese-kids


Weight-Loss Success: Jackie Waters’ Story

But now it’s been three years since her surgery and she has managed to keep the weight off. “It’s just been a completely new life garcinia cambogia extract for me, and I just embraced it and just enjoy every day of it now,” she said. Dr. Anita Courcoulas, with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, studied more than 2,000 people who underwent one of two types of weight-loss surgery. She discovered many success stories, like Streb’s, three years after the procedure. “There was substantial weight change following both bariatric procedures at three years after surgery, and we also saw improvements in diabetes, lipids, and blood pressure at the three-year time point as well,” Courcoulas told CBN News.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/healthscience/2013/December/Weight-Loss-Surgery-a-Boost-to-Better-Health/

12 Weight Loss Resolutions You Shouldn’t Make

squat variations

If it’s chicken enchiladas, which are my kids’ favorite, then it’s low-fat cheese. I switched us to whole wheat pasta, and they didn’t say anything. Like, oh that was easy. Now that you’re about 30 pounds lighter, do you feel different? I have more energy, and I’m a lot happier. And I’m able to fit into my smaller clothes. I’ll pull something out of my closet and go, “Oh my gosh, I haven’t worn this in years!” So that’s pretty exciting.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://news.yahoo.com/weight-loss-success-jackie-waters-39-story-214742306.html