Low Carb Paleo Diet Proves Better For Weight Loss And Diabetes Than Low-fat Diet

Dr. Oz and Nell Stephenson: Paleo diet promotes rapid weight loss: Lose 75 pounds in six months

The Paleo diet emphasizes high-quality animal proteins, healthy fats, vegetables and fruits, and excludes gluten, sugar, dairy, legumes, starches, alcohol and processed foods. It’s the most popular diet around today, and has a large celebrity following, including NBA superstars Kobe Bryant, Blake Griffin and Ray Allen, supermodel Adriana Lima (pictured above), and actor Kellan Lutz. Two excellent dr oz garcinia cambogia resources on the Paleo diet are The Paleo Solution (by Robb Wolf) and The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, who is his own best advertisement for the anti-aging benefits of the Paleo eating plan. [Editor’s note: I have read both books and they are fantastic.] The new Swedish study bolsters claims by leading obesity experts who insist low-carb diets like the Paleo and ketogenic diets fuel rapid weight loss , reverses type 2 diabetes, and prevents Alzheimer’s, obesity, epilepsy and ADHD. Neurologist Dr.
For the original version including any supplementary images or http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/13/idUSnHUGdsQR+73+ONE20140113 video, visit http://www.examiner.com/article/paleo-diet-beats-low-fat-diet-for-weight-loss-and-diabetes-new-swedish-study

Phen375 weight loss supplement clinically proven the best alternative to fat removing surgery

Phen375 Reviews

The supplement is the powerful fat burning formula which keeps burning the excess fat 24/7 and makes it possible to lose significant amount of weight within the short time period and without any unpleasant side effect on health. Fat burning process is a difficult task and it is not very easy to control the calorie consumption and burning more calories than the regular intake. Also, it takes a long time to produce the noticeable results. Though, many treatments and weight loss supplements are available in the market but they are not so effective.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://finance.yahoo.com/news/phen375-weight-loss-supplement-clinically-050000044.html

Is weight loss surgery right for children?

But so is waving to your 6-year-old daughter as her gurney rolls into the operating room. Epidemic childhood obesity is a cultural crisis. Turning to the literal cutting edge of biomedical advance to address it is not a solution, but an abdication. Clinics can treat the effects of the ills of culture, but they cannot cure the causes . But collectively, we could.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/health/weight-loss-surgery-children-article-1.1620081